Countryside Stewardship and the Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS)
Seed Mixtures
Countryside Stewardship and the new Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS) are useful government programmes to enable us to farm in a more environmentally friendly manner, whilst hopefully improving our farms and maintaining food production. We can supply the seed you require for any and all of the current schemes. A few of the most popular mixtures are featured below, but do please call with your specific enquiries.
- GS4 – Legume & Herb Rich Sward
- AB1 – Nectar Flower Mix
- AB8 – Flower Rich Margins
- AB9 – Winter Bird Food
- AB15 – Two Year Sown Legume Fallow
3 – 5 Year Duration
A very popular option due to its better payment rate, and that it shouldn’t need any expensive artificial fertiliser (none allowed under the scheme rules). We have studied the guidelines to design a mix that is fully compliant, yet maximises your forage production. Mainly a grazing ley for sheep and cattle, that can be cut.
20% Intermediate PRG
25% Late PRG
4.75% Meadow Fescue
11% Timothy
16% Festulolium
8% Red Clover
2.5% Alsike Clover
1% Lucerne
2% Birdsfoot trefoil
4% Chicory
4% Plantain
1% Yarrow
0.5% Sheeps Parsley
0.25% Wild Carrot
Sow at 25kg per hectare
10% Alsike Clover
10% Birdsfoot Trefoil
5% Sainfoin
40% Vetch
10% Red Clover
10% Late Flowering Red Clover
5% Lucerne
5% Sweet Clover
1.5% Knapweed
1% Musk mallow
1% Oxeye Daisy
1% Wild Carrot
0.5% Yarrow
Sow at 15kg per hectare
25% Slender Red Fescue
15% Hard Fescue
12% Chewings Fescue
10% SSMG
10% Crested Dogstail
5% Sheeps Fescue
3% Browntop Bent
3% Winter Vetch
3% Sainfoin
2.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil
2.5% Black Medick
2% Red Clover
1.25% Oxeye Daisy
1% Ribwort Plantain
1% Wild Carrot
1% Yarrow
0.5% Wild Marjoram
0.5% Black Knapweed
0.5% Musk Mallow
0.5% Self Heal
0.25% Ladys Bedstraw
0.25% Meadow Buttercup
0.25% Yellow Rattle
Sow at 16-20kg per hectare
50% Spring Triticale
30% Spring Barley
5% Quinoa
10% Kale
5% White Millet
Sow at 50kg per hectare
66% Perennial Ryegrass
15% Red Clover
10% Vetch
7% Birdsfoot Trefoil
2% Knapweed
Sow at 37–50kg per hectare
FREE delivery on all orders over £250
Please call for more information