Wild Flowers


Our range of wild flower mixtures are designed to help you get the most from your investment in seed and preparation. Wild flowers are of huge importance to biodiversity, bees and all the other pollinators. They also look fantastic when in flower! Our seed mixtures can be supplied just as wild flowers or come ready mixed with suitable companion grasses.

Restore & Enrich

Restore & Enrich contains twenty three native British wildflower species, consisting of mainly perennial species and a handful of annual and biennial species to restore and enrich existing grassland. The species included in this mixture create an attractive display from May to October and are selected for being competitive and easy to establish. Therefore it is ideal for overseeding into existing meadows.

Butterfly & Bee

Butterfly & Bee contains twenty six native British wildflower species, consisting of mainly perennial species and a handful of annual and biennial species to create a permanent area of pure wildflowers. The species included in this mixture create an attractive display from May to October and is suitable for creating habitats for bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects. It contains a wide range of species to create a diverse environment and range of food to support local wildlife.

General Purpose Mixture

Our General Purpose Mixture contains twenty three native British wildflower species, consisting of mainly perennial species and a handful of annual and biennial species to create a permanent area of pure wildflowers. The species included in this mixture create an attractive display from May to October and is suitable for creating habitats across a diverse range of soil types. It is ideal for use in areas containing a range of micro climates or where there are no particular conditions to overcome.

Cornfield Annuals

Our Cornfield Annuals mix contains five native British annual wildflower species to create ‘instant’ colour and can be used to enrich existing grassland or provide additional first year colour to other wildflower meadows. The species included in this mixture create an attractive display from May to October and are selected for being fast growing, attractive and easy to establish.

Establishment Guidelines

If just wild flowers (without companion grasses) sow at 3 grams per m2 (1kg seeds 330m2). Wild flowers perform best on lower nutrient soils or soils that have not been farmed intensively. Sow in to a firm, fine, clean seed bed in spring. Removal of competitive weeds either by topping or hand weeding is important. The perennial flowers will take the first year to establish and should flower in the second and subsequent years.